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Coming out of the broom closet

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 6:52 pm
by RegularJackass
The Broom Closet is where you live if you are scared to tell anyone your religion/beliefs as a Witch so you don't. A while ago my broom closet wasn't a closet, it was a bunker. But I realized I had to change that, mainly because of what happened to Tempest Smith. ... smith.html I'm an adult now, and capable of defending myself, but young people have next to no rights in the U.S. regarding how they live their lives. And they don't have much to protect them. So tacking on a marginalized misunderstood religion on top of all that is a dangerous thing. These days I never recommend that people under 18 wear a pentacle, or say anything about being Wiccan or being a Witch, because of how dangerous it is. They could be subjected to far worse than bullying... I mean, telling someone they're going to hell is one thing, but I know a couple of people who have gotten beaten up for wearing a pentacle. So here's the thing: coming out of the broom closet isn't fun, but if you're over 18, you should bite the bullet and do it. Think about it: all the crap you go through now will hopefully be crap that younger people won't have to take. So go out and buy a bigass pentacle, wear it on the street, tell your friends and family, tell Grandma, tell your in-laws. If it won't harm them. Break it to them as gently and slowly as possible. Go out there... and remind yourself it's for the kids.