Introductions Thread 1

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Introductions Thread 1

Post by RegularJackass » Sat Mar 23, 2019 10:25 pm

***You can reply to this in order to make your own introduction, or create a new topic. I'd prefer you reply to this one to keep this section of the website from becoming a sprawling nightmare***

Hey, what's up. I'm RegularJackass. I often tell the truth whether or not anyone is ready to hear it. Been practicing Wicca for about 9 years. I can sum up my own practice of Witchcraft/Wicca in five words: Kindness, Truth, Honor, Compassion, Wisdom. I never said I was a master of any of those things, so that's why I call it a practice, LOL. I tend to go by a rule of "whatever works," and value logic and experience above blind mysticism. I am what is called a Green Witch. Also genderqueer, so LGBTQ+ pride represent. I have several godchildren, various kitty "children," and an amazing family. If it's a plant and will fit in my house I will grow it. But not weed because I don't want to get arrested. My practice involves honoring the elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, and treating Nature as the sacred thing it is. I try to "harm none," but most of the time fail because of the impossibility of actually doing that in all things. I do not believe in the "Rule of Three" or the new age ideas I rant about here in my VERY POLITICALLY INCORRECT BLOG https://imdoingwitchcraftoverhere921091 ... -debunked/. I am oathed to serve Goddess and God. I was very lucky earlier in my life to meet the guru known as Sri Mata Amritanandamayi aka Amma. She taught me that love is the ultimate expression of worshipping God and I have slowly tried to understand. I hope to someday work with a coven in order to plant trees and hold neighborhood potlucks. That would be nice.

Above all I belong to the church of Rock and Roll. Judas Priest, Motley Crue, Alice Cooper, Marilyn Manson, Pantera, if it doesn't suck, I will listen to it. If I'm having a bad day then you'll catch me listening to Motown, that seems to be good at cheering anybody up. I have a blog here which is full of my rants and raves, profanity, and pure rage. It is not politically correct. It also has the only herbal regimen I know of to put Lyme disease in remission, which took me five years + tons of prayer to put together thanks to the Lord and Lady saving my butt. I can confidently say that I'm only here because of the Creator. https://imdoingwitchcraftoverhere921091 ... -protocol/ https://imdoingwitchcraftoverhere921091 ... I'm definitely not always right, so please speak up if I've screwed something up. I do not claim to know what I'm doing, or to be wise. I'm pretty dumb when it comes to certain things, and I'm absolutely terrible at communication. But I know a few tips and tricks and do what I can to keep people new to the Craft safe.
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Re: Introductions Thread 1

Post by SilverHeero » Wed Jun 12, 2019 10:33 pm

Sup, the name's SilverHeero. I am most likely just gonna be a lurker but I will weigh in when I feel inclined or feel the need to. While not Wiccan myself, I feel like I can offer a different point of view. While I'm sorta set in my ways, I tend open-minded about most things and willing to listen. And here's a random funny video:

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Re: Introductions Thread 1

Post by Midnight » Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:14 pm

Howdy! I'm Midnight, but you can call me Dapple, Pandora, or Snowy! I'm not too well versed in Wicca, but I'm trying to learn. I'm not sure what else to add, so here's a funny video.
Sorry if this doesn't work! I cant quite forum yet

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Re: Introductions Thread 1

Post by RegularJackass » Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:33 pm

Nah you're good!

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