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Billings, Montana

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 11:35 am
by RegularJackass
I know of a good place. It's called the Coffee Tavern. It was caught up in a scandal a few years ago when someone took a few of the owner's Facebook posts which were politically incorrect and ran with it to smear his reputation. It's funny, someone's running a website now just to make him look bad. Here it is: That is what a smear campaign looks like. When I first heard of this controversy I went straight to the coffee shop to suss it out and it turned out that all the bad things being said about the owner were a total crock. Yep, I did the legwork for you. Turns out the owner was never racist, sexist, or any of that and all those posts were taken out of context. Best believe I grilled him about that; without going into too many personal details I'll just tell you it was all bullshit. I also saw nothing but respect for everyone who walked through that door, and trust me, some pretty weird people walked through that door. It's also pretty rare for the owners of a store to have so much respect for musicians; it's likely that in the future the Coffee Tavern will be the hub of Billings' music community. You will not feel more welcome or at home in any other coffee shop in Billings. Christian, homeless, Wiccan, Satanist, Native American, male, female, whatever, if you walk into that store you will not be discriminated against. And I can't say that for any other coffee house I've been in... ever.
Go there!